Nice news from Ben and Anna

Our Mother's Day craft idea for you!

Unsere Muttertagsbastelidee für dich!

Mother's Day is a great occasion to really spoil his mom again and say "thank you". In addition to flowers or a breakfast to the bed, they are certainly the most happy about a homemade Mother's Day gift that comes from the heart.

Maybe you need a craft idea for Mother's Day?

Crafting for Mother's Day works with the right materials and ideas but also at home.

We have come up with something, you can easily make a candle from our toothpaste glasses. With little effort you can create a magical gift for your mom.

What I need:

  • Used Ben & Anna toothpaste glass
  • Layout template border / or a section from a book B: 190x H: 40mm
  • Scissors
  • Adhesive / double -sided adhesive tape
  • Tea light
  • Gift band

Our handicraft instructions for Mother's Day:

  • First clean a used toothpaste glass by Ben & Anna. We also provided you with a layout template under the following link, you need it for the border from the glass. Or you cut a page from a favorite book in the 190x40mm format.
  • If you have printed out our template, cut it out completely, including the hearts.
  • Then glue the label on the glass. It is best to take a glue that sticks to glass or double -sided adhesive tape.
  • To embellish it a little, attach a gift tape or top ribbon to open the opening and close it with a loop. Finally, put on the tealight and your gift is done!

We hope you enjoy tinkering and a lot of fun giving gifts.

Your Ben & Anna Team

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